Thursday, March 16, 2006

“Furious George” Up Date (kinda)

I have only been doing this blog thing for about a week now, but even I am aware that one should not put up a post written by someone else, when that someone else didn’t actually write it.

I know… I know…. This is old.

I get kinda slow with the political stuff sometimes (all that hand wringing, screaming & chest pounding gives me a headache).


Apparently the blog post (by George Clooney at, that I referenced last Monday, was (wait…here it comes) NOT written by George.
It was simply a collection of “Clooney quotes” from other interviews.

Now George is hopping mad at Arianna Huffington for “abusing” him.

"She said some things that I won't share, but she did tell me that this could be bad for me - bad for my career. Well, screw you!" the movie star told me yesterday about a conversation he had with the doyenne of "I'm not going to be threatened by Arianna Huffington!"

Clooney, in his only interview on the subject, took off the gloves in his fight with Huffington over a blog purportedly written by the "Syriana" Oscar-winner and posted on her Web site Monday.

"I feel abused," he said.

Yesterday, Clooney released an angry statement calling Huffington's methods "purposefully misleading," and she acknowledged that his so-called blog - slamming Dems who voted for the war in Iraq for fear of being labeled "liberal" - was actually compiled from Clooney's recent interviews with the UK's Guardian and CNN's Larry King.

Anyway, you can read the whole thing here;

Good Times….Good Times

A. Weasel

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